At breakfast hubby said it would be nice to have a bird feeder for the Blue Jays. Since my father passed away last October we have not been doing a very good job of feeding our feathered friends. Dad enjoyed it so much and always took care that treats were out. So, after turning water on in the garden, I started looking around. One umbrella stand, a flat basket, PVC tee, several washers and a round faucet handle later, we had a bird feeder high above the danger of our one outdoor cat, Kadie.
Now, what would Blue Jays like most? Peanuts and sunflower seeds are my guess. I was sure Johnny, the miniature horse, would be willing to donate some of his black oil sunflower seeds and I found some forgotten peanuts in the shell in the pantry. I filled the basket wondering how long it would take for the birds to find this treat. Well, it was certainly time to turn off the water, so I walked down to the garden. The gophers had been working by the bean row and I stopped to put a trap in the run. As I walked back toward the house, I saw them...Blue Jays at the feeder! Wow, that didn't take long.
We sat on the patio and enjoyed watching. Back and forth he went from feeder to somewhere around the corner of the barn. I wonder where he took them. I will try to figure it out. What a good day!