We have been doing lots of maintenance kind of things around here this week. First we discovered a big soggy spot in the garden...a hose must be leaking. Well, not so much...it was a main water line. We dug out the pipe and found the parts we would need to fix it. And wonder of wonders we actually found the parts we needed in our garden shed. That is a first! Usually, a
PVC project requires at least one trip to
OSH. These things always take longer and are more complicated than you first think, but it is now fixed and water is flowing to the garden again. Then we worked on Johnny's fence and put in a new gate. Also
moved a big pile of chips that some tree cutters kindly dumped by our front gate. We told them to dump them by the BARN gate! Oh well, they are now spread out and will help discourage weeds. Finally, we trimmed the hedge down by the garden and moved the rest of the compost pile. Somewhere in there, I trimmed Johnny's hoofs and took
Lumpkin to the vet. He was not happy to get in the pet taxi but did very well once he realized he had no choice.

He had some funny black spots that appeared on his nose. I found out they are L
entigo Simplex and not uncommon on orange tabby cats. He has them on his lips and gums too and probably will get more as he ages. Who knew that?
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