Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Don't Mess with Mother Nature

After the wind and rain stopped this morning we drove down to the Pismo Pier again to see what was happening. The waves were pounding the pier hard enough that as I walked out I was thinking about what would be the best thing to do if it collapsed. Now, if it had really been a danger I'm sure they would have had the pier closed. But I did think about the possibility.

The waves crashed one after the other and the wind was cold. There was not a surfer in sight. The tide was very high reaching the stair way and walls along the parking lot.

The pounding of the waves left a layer of foam that was blowing with the wind. Of course, the beach camping area was closed and I assume that everyone that had been camping on Sunday had been sent home. It's no time to be trying to cross the creek, even at low tide! Tomorrow should be the highest wave height of this chain of storms. If it seems safe and prudent, we will make another trip.

Seems we have been lucky so far. There is no damage to our property. Ron used the tractor to direct water away from the house down into the garden area. Down the street a huge eucalyptus tree fell across the road and some in our area have been without power for 10 hours. We are thankful to have escaped it all. We have a fire in the wood stove and are cozy and warm. Let's see what tomorrow brings.

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