Saturday, February 13, 2010

Gopher Wars

Gophers are a fact of life around here and I have no trouble setting traps to catch them but they seem to be winning the war.
I noticed a new mound of dirt in the back yard and knew immediately the gophers were at work again. They are responsible for the sad state of our back lawn and are just relentless. I went out to do the morning chore of cleaning up after the dog and the gopher was hard at work and not about to give up his endeavor.
I walked around finding the deposits from the dog and the gopher just kept up his task of pushing up dirt. Wouldn't it be fun to have x ray vision so we could see all the runs they have hollowed out under the ground? Actually, it might be scary. Up and down he went seeming to pay me no mind. He was making that hole bigger and bigger.
And, what was even more irritating, he was not afraid of me. I went in the house and got the camera, came back out and he was still at work. I walked around taking pictures of him, then continued my clean up and he continued his digging.
Then I snapped! I went over and emptied the contents of the pooper scooper right down his gopher hole and covered it with his fresh dug dirt. I wonder if he will ever come up in that spot again.

I hope he is gone forever!

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