I have been putting this foot thing off for a long time. It hurts and is ugly. The bunion has become more
red and sore recently so I have finally decided it is time to do something.
The surgery is scheduled for May 13 at 9:15. I feel lucky it wasn't 6 am. I have never had any kind of surgery so this is all new to me. Now, I have helped the folks and Ron with some out patient procedures but nothing for myself. The first thing I'm learning is: It is different when it's YOU.
I've done all the pre-op lab work and had the physical from my doctor. There is so much to do before this even gets started. The Dr. says, "Oh, you'll do great! You are in great shape." So, I an sure this will be a snap and I will be up and around in no time.
May 12
Tomorrow is the surgery. I am ready to get this over with. We spent the day cleaning the house and cooking some things to have ahead so it will be easy. All the animals are set. I trimmed Johnny's hooves so that won't have to be done for several weeks. We are set on hay and pellets. The cats have enough food for at least ten days and I am sure by then we will make a Costco run to get stocked up again.
It is after midnight on the 12th. I will go to sleep soon. I'm nervous...I just want this to be over.
May 13
I'm up and about ready to go. Let's do it.
I'm back home. That wasn't so bad. My foot looks like a football with a big black boot on it. Doesn't hurt at all. I have to stay off of it except for trips to the bathroom. I see the Dr. on the 18th to check on progress.
May 16
Well...that was 3 days ago!!! I slept for almost two days. Pain pills every four hours and stomach upset. I felt like hell... and was in no mood to write. I sneaked into the kitchen a few times to get caught up on dishes and to see what was going on. I am now having pain from the dressing rubbing on what I guess is the stitches. The throbbing aching pain is gone. They have the gauze going between my toes too and it is getting sore.
May 18
Today at 11:45 is my post-op visit with the surgeon. Hope everything is ok so I can get this bulky dressing off and be up and around.
Well that went well...NOT. I've been on my foot too much. It is red, swollen and looks like infection could be starting! Oh joy. What a disappointment. At least the bandage is off and not rubbing. I need to stay in bed, elevate the foot with two pillows and ice it several times a day. How could I have been on it too much? I barely went into the kitchen!! And, they are ordering a machine for me that will bend the big toe back and forth so that it won't fuse together. Oh, another thing...did I mention that when I saw the x-rays there is what looks like a big nail in the toe joint, AND it stays there!! Yikes, just the thought make me cringe. That will take some time to accept. Although I really wanted the bandage off, now I can see all those stitches and that really makes my stomach turn over! I am not a good patient. I am keeping a sock on so I can't see the green looking fish line in my foot. Besides, it's cold. I keep thinking about when all those stitches have to come out on my next appointment on the 25th. This is the pits. I hate it and want it to be over!
May 19
Today is Derek's 13th birthday. He is a good and very special kid. I love him so and can't help but wonder what life holds for him. It will be good I'm sure.
My foot looks much better this morning, I kept it up all night on two pillows. I didn't even move...all night. I was in the very same position when I woke up. The redness seems less and swelling is down. I've been the 6 feet to the bathroom once...read my lips...once this morning. Elevate and ice.
Ron decided to do some errands this morning. I think he just wants to get out of here and I don't blame him. He's going to get the oil changed in the car and buy a few groceries. I am not a very patient patient. I am very sad to say that, but it is the truth. This is so much harder than I ever thought it would be. I was not prepared to be confined for days on end in this bed. I sure hope this will be worth it in the end!
May 25
Back to the Dr. They took the stitches out. It didn't hurt near as much as I was expecting. I worry too much about things like this. I can be on my foot "a little more". When I asked how much more, the Dr said, "Your foot will tell you." He was right about that one. OUCH... I'm mostly in bed.
May 28
The DynaSplint was delivered...a device whose purpose is to stretch my toe upward. I put this torture device on and leave it for 15...20...30 up to 40 minutes, three times a day. THEN, get this, then I increase the tension. I'm doing it faithfully because I want this toe to bend, I really do.
January 29, 2011
I quit writing about my foot. I was tired of hearing myself whine! It's been almost 9 months now. The bottom line is this: My big toe doesn't have much movement, it still swells if I try to wear a thong type shoe, and the skin is very sensitive, like water hitting it in the shower hurts like a burn. I do hope with more time that feeling will go away. The rest I think I'm stuck with.
I just try not to think about it and get on with life. I'll tell you one thing, it will be a cold day in you know where before I even think about surgery on my other foot!
I'm just posting this here after the fact to remind myself... Don't even do that again!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Slip Sliding Away
Lummy is slowing sliding off the back of the couch. He is sound asleep. He will land on the cushion so I will leave him alone. If he were going to fall off the back onto the floor, I would wake him up.
Sweet dreams sweet boy!
Friday, January 28, 2011
How many signs can we really read and pay attention to at once?
Our oldest grandson recently got his drivers license. His process has made me more aware of how complex the activity of driving really is. There are so many things to process as we drive down the road. Look at all the signs we see in any given glance. Plus, now we have the distraction of cell phones.
I just got a renewal notice for my drivers license... new picture, eye test and 31 bucks. Even after all these years just going to the DMV still makes me nervous.
Eyes on the road and hands on the wheel!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Callie Up High
Somehow at this time in our life we have ended up with several cats. Now, we didn't plan it...it just happened. They all needed homes. So, I have been able to study cat personalities. They are all so different, just like us people, I guess! Katie. the black one, insists on going outside. I've told her all about the coyotes, bears and mountain lions out there. Not to even mention the raccoons and skunks! But she insists...and so we reluctantly let her go sometimes. Lumpkin is a scaredy cat, Patches is a cuddle bug and Callie, the calico, is the cat that likes to be up high!
This cat is wacky!!! She find the most unlikely places to go. I've been collecting pictures of her.

This cat is wacky!!! She find the most unlikely places to go. I've been collecting pictures of her.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
After working the afternoon at the Butterfly grove, we decided to treat ourselves to dinner at our new favorite Thai restaurant. What a great reward.
And when we came out this was what we saw! It was just an amazing evening after a beautiful afternoon in the grove.
And when we came out this was what we saw! It was just an amazing evening after a beautiful afternoon in the grove.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Universal Message
I was scrolling through my pictures... and look at the moon shot I found. I don't remember seeing it before! It must be a special message of love from the universe just for us.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Pismo Monarch Butterfly Grove
From October through February we have Monarch Butterflies wintering in the Pismo Monarch Butterfly Grove. The Western Monarchs leave their summer spots in the Northwest part of the US and travel South when the days start getting shorter. They arrive here in October and this generation spends about five months just hanging around. As the days get longer and warmer they mate and start to fly North.
I have become a volunteer and spent time in the trailer that sells postcards and books about the Monarchs. It's a joy being down in the Grove and I meet so many people from all over the US and beyond.
This female is laying eggs on the Milkweed plant that we have on display. Usually the Monarchs start heading North to the Central Valley or Sierra Foothills before they would find Milkweed to start laying eggs. This is the first of the 4 or 5 generations that make the trip North starting around the end of February to Washington, Oregon and sometimes into Southwestern Canada.
I have become a volunteer and spent time in the trailer that sells postcards and books about the Monarchs. It's a joy being down in the Grove and I meet so many people from all over the US and beyond.
This female is laying eggs on the Milkweed plant that we have on display. Usually the Monarchs start heading North to the Central Valley or Sierra Foothills before they would find Milkweed to start laying eggs. This is the first of the 4 or 5 generations that make the trip North starting around the end of February to Washington, Oregon and sometimes into Southwestern Canada.
These insects offer a wonderful winter delight for us to observe and enjoy. The Grove is a happy and joyful place, with lots of smiles and laughter. I love to be there!
Thank you Monarchs!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Up, Up and Away
The Delta IV Heavy Rocket was launched yesterday. We didn't hear a thing but saw the trail in the sky about four minutes into the flight. Vandenberg Air Force Base is about 50 miles south of us and we had thought the noise would remind us to look for it just after 1 PM.
Back in the 60's when they first started launching Atlas rockets from Vandenberg, Hubby was in The Air Force and was one of the photographers on site to record it. The whole world stopped and was glued to the TV. It was a major news event! Hours and hours of pre-launch programing went on. They filmed the Command Center and we could listen to all the conversations and then the count down... 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1... we have lift off!
Now we are lucky if they interrupt the day time soaps for a minute or so.
It still sends shivers up my spine and is an awesome sight!
P.S. January 23
While I was working in the Butterfly trailer yesterday, I talked with a young man from Vandenberg AFB who worked on this rocket. I asked him why it was so quiet. His response was that they have engineered them that way unlike the Atlas and Titans.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
My Life Trail
We leave a trail... where ever we go, whether it is by words, actions or actual foot prints. We seldom realize the real impact we have on those we interact with day to day. We can make or break someones day with just a few words. Even not saying a kind word when we could have makes an impact.
I want to leave a happier trail behind me.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Gophers on the March
It feels like the Gophers are taking over the world. Their hills are all across the field. I will set a trap although it seems useless when there are so many. I would love to have a map of their under-ground runs. I wonder how smart they are about connecting these mounds or are they all independent. I'm sure they are making babies and setting up nurseries down in their dark world.
Come on guys... give us above-ground dwellers a break!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
End of Day at Pismo
We were down at the Pismo Pier as the sun was setting. It was warm, balmy even for a January afternoon. It was beautiful... just beautiful.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
It's Blooming Mushrooms
We drove down to the Nature Center in the Oceano Campground today and saw this crop of mushrooms.
I'm sure all the moisture we have had helps these guys grow.
There sure were a bouquet of them growing out of a root of a tree.
I'm sure all the moisture we have had helps these guys grow.
There sure were a bouquet of them growing out of a root of a tree.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
How Tall Are They Now
Each holiday that we are together we gather the kids and measure them on our "Wall of Height" in the hallway. If we ever move, I think we will have to cut that piece of drywall out and take it with us. We have been doing this for years. It appears that all the grandkids will be close to 6 feet or over. One of them grew 5 inches this last year!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Let Them Eat Cake
Over the holidays our middle Grandson and I made chocolate cake. Our once a year chocolate delight! Yummmmm.
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