Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Beach = Sandy Feet

We met our daughter in Ventura with three of the Grandsons and one of their friends and had a wonderful time. It is amazing how they have grown up and become young men. It was not a real sunny day but it was not cold or windy.

When we walked down town to have lunch, we were welcomed with this sign... what the hay??? A beach burger joint with a sign like this. I wanted to turn around and walk out but I was hungry! And the burger was really good. (Just for the record, we did try to get the sand off of our feet... really we did.)

It was a good day and I loved being with my Daughter and Grandsons.
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Monday, June 27, 2011

The Clean Up Crew

They had their eye on something. Dinner, I am thinking. Their job in life is to clean up the great outdoors and they were on it.
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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Flower Fields Forever

The Lompoc Flower Festival was held this week. The fields on the west side of the city were beautiful.

Of course the wind was blowing, but doesn't it always in Lompoc. We went prepared for that. These are Stocks in all different colors and the air had that delightful Cinnamon and Spice smell. It was a lovely day.
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ring of Fire

A fire on the patio on a summer eve. Oh, so special. Bring on the marshmellows!
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