Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Black Headed Grosbeak

This picture doesn't come close to doing this Black Headed Grosbeak justice. I am working on getting a new camera with a better zoom but in the mean time I didn't want to forget what a beautiful visitor we had. At one point there were two on the feeder. They have been coming quite regularly. Hubby bought a 50 pound bag of white millet and lots of birds love it. The Goldfinches still prefer the thistle but that's OK. We are seeing many birds this year that we have never seen before. Or is it that we are just paying more attention? Whatever, we sure are enjoying them.
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Monday, April 26, 2010

One BIG Dog

This big dog was wondering down Callender Road as we were coming home today. His head was even with the car window and although he seemed very friendly, I didn't stick my hand out there. I don't know were he came from or where he went. I don't even want to think about buying kibble for him!
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hungry Goldfinches

These sweet little guys emptied the thistle seed feeder in one day! We will go broke at that rate. We ordered a 50 pound sack of white millet from Farm Supply. We will see if we can get them to eat a combination of thistle and millet.Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mini Green Houses

We have been saving empty milk jugs to use as little mini green houses for plants in the garden. Our spring weather usually includes sea breezes ( I won't say wind, lol) and overcast. These jugs give some of our smaller plants that we have grown from saved seeds a little protection for a few weeks. The milk jugs are free and handy! We cut the bottom off and push them into the dirt.  When the plants outgrow them they go into the recycle bin. Good solution that works for us.

The first tomatoes are already too big but the little guys at the other end of the row will be happy to have a warm little house. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 18, 2010

"Does This Make Me Look Girly?"

 It was big time grooming day for Johnny the miniature horse. First I trimmed his hooves and got them all four in good shape. He is a pretty good boy, especially if alfalfa hay is involved. I know, I know, I shouldn't reward bad behaviour, but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do to get the job done! I cut his bridle path and combed out his mane and tail. His tail was so long it was dragging on the ground and was full of grass so I decided to try the braid. I do trim it but I just was not quite ready to cut it. He was very patient but I swear I hear him say, "Does this make me look girly?" Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Homemade Veggie Pizza Pie

I suppose in the spirit of full disclosure I must admit that we ate the whole thing!
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Friday, April 16, 2010

Sanderlings at Sunset

These Sanderlings were getting their sunset meal of the day. We drove on the beach watching these cute little shore birds. They run after the waves as fast as their little legs will go looking for critters in the sand and run back in just ahead of a wave. It was comical watching them run back and forth. I thought one was injured because it was standing on one leg and then realized when standing still, which was rare, they were almost all on one leg. We enjoyed watching them as the sun set.  Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lilacs in Bloom

This is a special treat. I love lilacs and have failed miserably at growing them. This year it actually has some full filled out branches.
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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Stopping Traffic

We were on our way to the coffee shop in Arroyo Grande Village when traffic stopped. The mother duck and her 8-10 ducklings made it safely across the road and went on their way. This made my day!
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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Grown-Up Easter Eggs

All of the grandsons are now way too cool to have anything to do with Easter eggs...and don't even mention hiding them and hunting for them. So I had to do it on my own. There are advantages to this! Instead of the little tablets of color, I decided to go natural.

I pressed fresh herbs, parsley, cilantro and chive, onto a wet egg. Then I wrapped onion skins around the egg as tight as I could and dropped it into a piece of new knee-high hose. This was tied off as tight as I could get it. Next, I got my kettle and filled it with lots of loose onion skins, put in the eggs and water and boiled as usual.

This was the result. The yellow is where the onion skin was actually touching the shell, the brown was colored from the onion skin water and the white where the herbs were. I found them to be really pretty but probably not what the kids would enjoy. So it all worked out just fine, thank you. I had a great time!

PS: By the time I remembered to take a picture, this was the only egg left. Some of the others had a much clearer imprint of the herbs.
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The First Crop

First from the garden this spring are, of course, radishes. I planted some up in the herb bed by the house and I like that they are so close and I can run out and pull them quickly. We have more planted down below in the big garden that will be ready in a couple of weeks. I can hardly believe that it is time for things from the garden already. At least this year we only planted 5 fifty foot rows instead of 11!!
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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Folks...Final Resting Place

Years ago, Mom and Dad and I went down to the Arroyo Grande Cemetery and they picked out this final resting place. Mom wanted to be by the big weeping tree. Dad, on the other hand, noticed that right across the street there was a lumber yard. That, he decided, was a good thing...just in case he needed any building supplies!

And so this is their spot. We drive by it every time we go to town. I pick flowers from the garden to place there. I miss them...lots. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Tree Man

Look close...you might miss him.Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 5, 2010

Green and Blue...

The Japanese Maple in the backyard is now leafed out. It was slow and took several weeks to get full and lacy. I bought this tree when it was about 18 inches tall in a gallon pot. It is now about 8 feet tall. I love this little tree.Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Geraniums From Long Ago

There are many kinds of Geraniums and this is one "true" Geranium you will seldom see. Hubby got this plant from a lady in the Geranium Society. It has not been an easy plant to deal with, and I am sorry to say he has threatened to pull it out more than once. Right now it looks beautiful and likes all the rain we have gotten this spring.

This is a Cranesbill Geranium so called because of the shape of their seed pods. The foliage is distinctly toothed and bright magenta flowers are in a tight cluster on top of the plant. It is quite different from the usual plants we call Geraniums which are really Pelargoniums. Beautiful, just beautiful. It likes all your loving care, my dear.Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Getting a Little Help

When is work more like fun? When your a kid and you get to do things you don't usually get to do! Even if your getting the chores done...it's fun. Thanks for the help my grandson.Posted by Picasa

Friday, April 2, 2010

Have Thistle Seeds...They Will Come

We got a thistle bird feeder and the Goldfinches have been eating their fill. This was a big win!Posted by Picasa