Saturday, April 30, 2011

Against All Odds

They have stayed... against all odds. Every time the garage door goes up the adults fly out of the nest, land about ten feed away and scold us.
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Friday, April 29, 2011

Heaven On Earth

The Rhododendrons are blooming their hearts out this year. They love our brisk early spring weather. We cut this plant back drastically last year and look at the way it came back. So don't be afraid to trim.

Their fragrance is amazing. Sometimes I go and stand beside the bush just to take in the smell. It's just heavenly.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Cat Patrol

The cats are on guard... they are watching a lizard. He lives right outside under the door jam in a special little hollow between the cement and the bottom of the door. He sits a few inches away from the door and suns himself. Of course, the cats go crazy but he does not move. He knows he is safe. Even when the side door is open he still sits there... in the sun.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Unlikely Choice

Doesn't this seem like a strange place to make a nest? Well, the California Towhee couple had a different idea. They like it here, even with the garage door going up and down and the chain running right under that nest and the light going on and off. They are quick to scold us when we go into the garage to get in the car and they leave for a while. But when we come back and the door goes up, we see then fly away once more. I will have to get the tall ladder and see if there are eggs in there.

We will try to be respectful until any eggs hatch and babies fly away. Then, we will have to clean up the garage and be more careful to keep the side door closed.
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Friday, April 22, 2011

The Tails Say It All

Best friends... these two. I did not take this picture but I just love it. And they obsiously love each other!
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Monday, April 18, 2011

Strawberries Glore

Every time we drive into Arroyo Grande we drive by a wonderful strawberry stand. This is one of the first spring fruits and we just love them. So... needless to say, we stop often. They are wonderful with a scoop is ice cream or...

for breakfast on french toast.Yummmm-o.
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Friday, April 15, 2011

Home On The Range

We took a ride to see the wildflowers early this week. Its a little late in the season and most of the blues were already gone here on Shell Creek Road.

The cattle were grazing the grass and living the good life. It was wonderfully peaceful and quiet.

We joined them and spent a couple hours just relaxing in this beautiful setting.

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Pelican Circle

Sunday afternoon we went for a walk out to Oso Flaco Lake with a docent from the California State Parks. It was a nice sunny day with  brisk wind. The White Pelicans were enjoying the lake too. They were swimming in a little group.

Then, they did this little juggling act and arranged themselves in a circle and down they went head first into the water. It was like synchronized swimming. They did it over and over. 

Now unlike the Brown Pelican who dive into the water while in flight, the White Pelicans work as a group to herd fish into shallow water where they are easier to catch. We watched for some time and they proceeded across the lake making their circle every minute or so. Quite interesting. Sure hope they caught a good hearty fish lunch!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fence Fixing

We have been spending all our free time painting and putting new wire on the fence. It has been a big job. We chose 12 gauge no climb wire and it is making a wonderfully strong fence... but it is so hard to work with. Will be happy when this chore is done.

No wild critters are going to get through this!