Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hearst Castle

Hearst Castle is located about an hour and 20 minutes north of us on Highway 1. We have gone to the Castle many times and taken most of the tours. But this time was special.
We went to a private showing of a CA State Park movie that will be aired on PBS this fall.
The movie and reception was good but the spring evening just before sunset was spectular! There was not a whisper of a breeze, you didn't even need a jacket. Very unusual up there. I guess Mr. Hearst knew what he was doing when he chose this setting to build a castle.
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Saturday, May 5, 2012

What's For Lunch

As we were leaving the house today, we watched two Red Shouldered Hawks catch and devour their lunch. They were in an open field and one right after the other, they swooped down and scooped up what looked to be good sized gophers.
Although they saw us watching them, they were much more interested in filling up on their tasty meal and made no move to fly away. Sorry gophers, this was not your lucky day.
That's how nature works... out here in the rural countryside of Arroyo Grande,
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