Friday, December 31, 2010


This is my oldest grandson wrapped in glow sticks. Now, this takes us back years and years when he was 6 or 7and loved fireworks but didn't like the noise.  So, for the 4th of July, I bought a bunch of glow
sticks for the kids to play with instead of the noisy fireworks. I ordered them online and they didn't get here by the 4th. They got tucked away in my craft room and now years later I find them!

Amazing that they still glow after all these years. And that grandson, he just got his driver's license!
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Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Surprise

I've given up making picking out the Christmas tree a big drama. As long as it is green and smells good, I don't care about anything else. We pick one that is taller then we are and bring it home still tied up in the twine. And what ever will be will be!

When we cut the twine on this years mystery tree it was perfect. We didn't even turn it to the left or right. Perfect... and it smelled so good.
The lights on the outside of the house look so pretty through the frosted glass and I love the warm glow. We've had a beautiful Holiday.
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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Strawberry Fields Forever...

The strawberry fields weathered the 5 days of rain just fine. They are planted on high mounds that are covered with plastic. The plants were planted in November and they will be producing strawberries in February or March. We are always ready when the time rolls around. Nothing better than berries and whipped cream!

We and the strawberry plants are both ready for some sunshine.
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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Here Comes the Train

We were stopped by the barricades and waited patiently for the train to pass. Here it comes... no, that's not the train. It's a truck pretending to be a train!

Actually it was a jacked up truck riding the rails spraying weeds!
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

They Left... All Gone

The campers up and left, and I don't blame them. The favorite spots by the creek are under water and it is still raining. This is six days of almost none stop rain.
Even the ducks are wondering what the heck is going on.

We want sunshine... we want sunshine! Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 20, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Today is Monday. It has been raining since Friday and I took this picture on Sunday morning. In addition to these 5 inches, we have gotten 2 1/2 more. And the weather gurus are saying two more days of rain before it is through for this storm. This is unusual for our area. We seldom get steady days of rain like this. We will be very happy to see the sun!
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wet Rocky

This yard art bird I've named Rocky. That is because his body is a large river rock. He stands guard over the rain guage and is taking his job quite seriously this winter. We had a short little break in the rain and the sun was just trying to break through. It didn't last long. It's been a very wet December.

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Monday, December 13, 2010

The Grass is Always Greener

Johnny took himself on a little walk about. We came home from shopping to find him grazing on the front lawn.
He has learned how to open the gate to get out of his pasture. If we don't show up with alfalfa hay by about 4 PM, he feels justified in opening the gate and going to the front lawn. I went to the barn and banged and clanged his bowls around and he came running right into his stall. Food is all powerful!

OK, you silly, fuzzy boy. Now you are back where you belong and don't give me that look! Tomorrow I need to do something about that gate!
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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wannabe Hunter

Callie made an escape from the house once again. She can be tricky and waits for the door to open and then streaks out behind your back.

Once out, she plays little chasing games until she is tired and ready to come in. When hubs saw her distracted by this gopher hole, I was able to just walk up and nab her. Shame on you, you naughty kitten
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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fall Flair

The cold snap we had last week turned this little Japanese Maple from green to yellow and red almost over night.

We love this spot down on the lower patio by the fire ring. We've had many a good marshmallow roast down there.
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Friday, December 10, 2010

On the Street Where We Live...

This is our street. I love all the trees until it's time to clean up leaves and bark. It comes down year around and then more so with the wind and rain. But I still love it here.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Shoes to Fill

I just love to see all the boys shoes by the door. It makes me happy. I know they are somewhere close by. The people that fill those shoes are truly special.

Our Thanksgiving Day was wonderful. We cooked 15 pounds of mashed potatoes, roasted a 22 pound turkey and had three different kinds of pie, plus all the sides to go with it. Now, we did have leftovers... but that is how we planned it!

Our daughter's shoes aren't in that bunch. She wasn't out playing football in the muddy field and she didn't get 3 footballs caught up in the trees! She wasn't the one up a ladder with a camera either.  She was helping in the kitchen with her shoes on and is equally special. I am so thankful for my kids and grand kids. They are the best!

P.S. Those brown shoes belong to hubs... they've been by the door for some 47 years. And trust me, for that I am REALLY thankful.
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