Saturday, November 20, 2010

What is This?

I don't know what this plant is that came up as a volunteer by the fence. At first I thought it was a sunflower. It had rather thick dark green leaves. But then it got bushy and grew wide instead of tall.

The flowers are white and never fully opened wide before this strange looking pod developed at the base of the blossom.
They are sharp, very sharp and look like a prickly hand grenade. I sure would like to know what plant this is and where it came from.
I think we will take pictures down to the Ag office and see if they can identify this wicked looking thing!
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  1. Hi Seabreeze,

    The common name of this plant is Thorn apple or its scientific name Datura stramonium.


    I hope that helps.


    It grows in Colorado, we also call it loco weed.

  3. ha ha, I just had this thought. It is illegal to grow some places, and a strong hallucinogenic... it has probably laid dormant in your ground for a long time. Some of the history behind this plant is fun.
