Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We Found the Answer

On November 20, I was wondering about this mystery plant we had growing in the pathway. Well, on Monday we cut off a large branch and went to the Ag Office. They sent us to the Farm Bureau where there was a master gardener. Three employees gathered around and speculated and then they called in one more. The consensus is: Datura ferox or the common name is Fierce Thornapple. I certainly agree with the fierce part because of those spiky sharp pods.

This is not a desirable plant to have around and is poisonous. As you can see we chopped it down and put it in the garbage. They asked that we put it there instead of the green waste. Now there is no chance of it reseeding. The seed was probably brought here by a bird or was in one of the bags of commercial bird seed that we buy. It is also in the same family of plants as the Loco Weed found in the mid-west. We don't need any Loco Weeds here... we are pretty loco all on our own!

At their request, we left the branch we brought with them. It is rare around here and they did not have a live specimen. Now they do!

So... now we all know... Fierce Thornapple. Who would have thought?
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