Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mystery Solved

I figured out what the jays do with the peanuts. I found a gopher hill and when I took my spade to find the run to set a trap what did I dig up...a peanut. Since then I found several more between the garden rows when raking or at the side of a flower bed. They have all been in soft, loose dirt. I wonder how they remember where they are. The jays never seem to sit at the feeder and eat a peanut, they just fly off with it and soon are back. They keep making trips until all the peanuts are gone so we only put out a few at a time. I have seen them sit and eat the sunflower seeds though. And yes, there are now two jays coming to the feeder. So, I guess it is Henry the VIII and IX. Please don't ask me to tell you which is which! They are all just Henry to me.

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